Saturday, February 4, 2012

Obligatory 2 month stats...

Like you care! Ha, this post is for my records =) Enjoy.
Yesterday she got her 2 month shots, we went with the regular shot schedule after talking to some doctors and friends.  We're fine with the decision and luckily she did great!  She cried of course, but was easily consoled by her daddy afterwards and slept most of the day.  I did give her a little Tylenol because the shot site was sore to her.

Weight: 11 lbs 9 oz (74%)
Height: 23 inches (78%)
Head: 15.98'' (90%!!)

My little bobblehead baby, no wonder we have to stretch her shirt necks to get it on, ha!  She's still getting about 50/50 breastmilk and Emfamil Newborn formula.  The doctor said keep up the good work!

Fun fact is that she's exactly what I weighed and measured when I was 2 months, crazy!  She eats about 4 ounces every 2.5-3 hrs during the day with one big morning nap and multiple cat naps.  She is doing pretty well lately at sleeping from 10:30ish and always wakes up at 4 am though to eat a big bottle (5.5ounces) then sleeps til like 7am for more food.  There are still bad nights here and there. We miss her nightly baths, but we still wash her bottom and hair in the faucet when we can. 

She's smiling and cooing and practices her American Idol vocals all the time.  She loves staring at the curtains and has gotten good sleeping at the Baby Bjorn so mommy can get some stuff done or play fetch with Shelby pup.

 Everyone comments on her hair, it's so wild, we love this baby!!

Little fuzz head!


Unknown said...

she is adorable and I LOVE her cute :)

Kelly Jean said...

First, you look great. Second, her face in that one is so funny. She is getting too big too fast! So pretty. <3

Courtney Squillante said...

She is just too cute. Seriously!

Dianna said...

I LOVE that wild hair! She is so stinking cute!!