Who ever came up with "Don't cry over spilled milk" obviously wasn't a breast feeder.
Claire's first month has been hard. Really hard. Not that she's a bad baby, but it's been such a tremendous adjustment for me that I've had some trouble handling it at times. And YES, I did spill about 9 ounces of pumped breastmilk on the floor one night and was crying inconsolably for 30 minutes. Did I mention my hormones are out of control these days??
I'm used to sleeping many hours. I'm used to working. I'm used to running to the store on a whim. I'm used to seeing friends. I'm used to taking Shelby to the park everyday. I know, what did I expect right? Well, that doesn't make it any easier.
I think a lot of new moms go through the feelings of entrapment, loneliness and blues during these first weeks. Plus, breast feeding adds a whole other level of crazy. I feel so much pressure to produce milk! It's crazy. I am giving myself a goal of 3 months of breastmilk, then we'll re-evaluate. I want the best for Claire, but she also needs a Mommy who has her wits about her and isn't a sobbing mess. I hate these crazy hormones!
We had a really good 4 week doctor visit this week, so I've been feeling a little better. She was slow to gain at first, so we've been having weigh ins. She's now 9lbs 2 oz, 51% percentile, and the Dr. said "Good job, mama!" We've mostly been pumping and measuring her meals, so this method is obviously working and we'll keep it up!
Claire also had an abnormal ultra-sound on her hips, so she'll need a follow-up in a couple weeks. This is due to her Frank Breech position in the womb and cause for much of my concern besides her weight gain. I really hope that her sockets fuse on their own, or whatever is supposed to happen. I don't want my little baby in a leg harness, which is a possibilty. We've had to double diaper her to keep her legs wide and bent. She's really strong though, I think she can power through and be just fine.
She's such a joy in our lives and I hope that start feeling better soon and really enjoy these fresh moments in her life! I already asked my doctor for help and we have a good plan in place. I wanna kick these blues and focus on this beautiful, perfect little girl, who keeps me up all night with her crazy grunts! =)