Thursday, April 14, 2011


Ok, so blogs can't be all rainbows and unicorns so I'm writing about how mad I am over this:

I can't believe, our country has come down to THIS. Public fondling of children. It's an abomination. HOW is this helping ANYONE fight terror?? Has the TSA caught ANYONE sneaking bombs/knives on a plane doing this technique? NOPE. So why the HELL we allowing these strangers to grope our children?? A SIX YEAR OLD GIRL. She cried afterwards, I probably would too. It's a damn outrage and I can't get over it.

How can an administration who blasted and cursed the previous president for wire tapping claim that THIS isn't any less invasive or prying into our privacy? It does not add up, and does NOT help fight terror. I don't know when it started, but it has GOT to stop. Do you really think some stupid TSA agent is going to come across a kindergarten caucasion child, with a ticket to grandmas or Disney World strapping some TNT inside their jammies? This concept is ridiculous and makes me so mad I can't think straight right now.

The terrorist are 10 steps ahead of us...we're so freaking reactionary it's mind-boggling! So they try to blow up a plane on with a now for a decade we take off our shoes...OK. They have obviously moved past that. It's time to focus on who we're scanning. Grandpa Jim who is a 85 yr old WW2 vet does NOT need to be groped down.... he can walk through the metal detectors like anyone else. This invasive groping is only further making our enemies happier and declaring some sort of small win in their minds, "Look! Haha! Stupid Americans are fondling their children! Look what we did!"

Take a page out of the book of logic, we need to narrow the search, looks at passports, where are they from, where are they going, be realistic on who is groped and patted down, and take a hard look at what political correctness has done to our society.


Brooke LaBouve said...

That video is ridiculous. Awful!

Courtney Squillante said...

Preach it sister! Unreal!!!!