Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Rumors are True!

I'm Pregnant!!Our prayers were answered and we are so grateful and happy to share the news! I wanted to make a post on how I told Josh.

I had a sneaking suspicion that something was different when I took my temperature in the morning on April 4th. It was still high. Usually, as infertility patients know, your temp plummets and your period comes after 14 days. So, after Josh left for work, I got up the courage to take a cheap pregnancy test (Thanks Kelly for convincing me).

After shaking like crazy and telling all my Babycenter.com friends the news, they'd been my sounding board for the past year, I texted my best friend Chelsea, who I KNEW would understand. **Side note, we're BOTH pregnant and due a week a part!!** Isn't God great??

So I ran to BabiesRUs and bought a "BIG SISTER" shirt for Shelby....We ran up to Josh's work, Shelby couldn't wait to tell him!

Josh is watching the digital pregnancy test working, then popping up "PREGNANT", he smiled so big!! "Are you serious?" "What!"I brought the tests to show him and we hugged and kissed and Shelby has no idea what's in store!Happy Daddy and Happy Big Sister, Shelby pup!That night, we celebrated together and ate at Saltgrass, ironically now, the sight or smell of meat leaves me running to the bathroom!
We are so happy and were quite frankly shocked. After having 'low ovarian reserve' and giving us a 3% chance of conceiving on our own, we totally beat the odds! We were on a break from Clomid and looking forward to an IUI and then BAM! God had everything under control and we are having a baby! It was the best feeling canceling the IUI and knowing that it's all in God's time. The lucky month I also started going to a Fertility Accupuncturist who I will now be recommending! You never know if he helped or it was just a coincidence, but I'm so glad I went!

Baby Nowak is due December 11, 2011!! =)


Courtney Squillante said...

I have GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!!!! I'm SOOO excited for you two!! Ahhhhh!!! Another cutie for our playgroup :)

ChelseaSalomone said...

Not even gonna lie- I teared up reading this. And I know the story!!! Stupid hormones. I really am just so, so happy for you!!!

Dianna said...

I am so excited for you Erin!!! I am glad it is public knowledge now!! I hope you get through the morning sickness soon.

Liz said...

Yay! I'm just still so excited!!

Cajun Cowgirl said...

A Christmas miracle! :) Love this news and love you guys! Baby N will have such a wonderful family. Can't wait to see bump pics you hot momma!