So, this proud parent was astonished, and I mean shocked to the core when I come home and find my perfect little graduate being less-than perfect!
I captured the crime.
So, this proud parent was astonished, and I mean shocked to the core when I come home and find my perfect little graduate being less-than perfect!
I captured the crime.
So, much to my dismay this year, the talent and production of the show has changed for the worse. Ellen as a judge is suck-tastic and on top of everything Simon is leaving after this season. He probably could care less about the outcome and he's even gone soft.
AARON KELLY - Only 16!
Basically, Cook Off is a bunch of tents put up by committees, buisnesses, groups of all sizes. You have to score a wrist band to a tent or Cook Off is just pointless. It's free drinks and bar b que all night. Most years I have won tickets to the 100.3 FM tent, but this year we went with UNCLE GLEN. He's a whole blog post in himself, but he DOES have the hook ups! We had a great time!
Next up for Rodeo are the concerts. We're going to see Lady Antebellum and Keith Urban for sure and whoever wants to throw free tickets at us. Though I'd probably pass on "Tejano Night" and Selina Gomez/Justin Beiber night. That kid causes RIOTS in malls I heard!
I really hope you know what Muttin' Bustin' is, because that's probably my fave part of watching the rodeo. It's basically 4 year old kids holding onto sheep for dear life. The one that makes it the longest wins a prize! I think the prize is the sheep actually! LOL