Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hodgepodge Post

Our memorial for Ganny was very touching and the place was filled with people. Even my mom was shocked at all the well wishers and beautiful plants and flowers that filled the room from friends, former nieghbors and distant relatives. Even Ganny's housekeeper came with her whole family and a breathtaking flower arrangement. Ganny was one popular lady!

This is Ganny and Pom's whole family! None of us would be around without them... the 7 great-grand kids are on the couch with Pom. Standing are their 3 daughters, including my mom and their husbands, and the 5 grandkids and spouses.My best friend Lisa and her husband Clifton surprised us and I was so happy they came to honor Ganny. After the ceremony, everyone went to the reception at Paesanos in the quarry. It was great to be distracted with so many people and catching up conversations, it helped ease the pain. I'm so thankful that we have Pom and will hold onto him as long as we can!

My family, and I really think it's funny that we're all the same height. Daddy always told me to marry tall, I think I did pretty good.

In other news, with all the baby talk, I have hardly said a word about my favorite little "fuzz rat." Shelby was such a good girl travelling back and forth to San Antonio, twice. She was also good about taking her meds when she got an infected foot. And she hasn't torn up any of the new baby stuff in the nursery, extra YAY Shelby!! I love her so much!! She's laying right by me as I type this and I just wanna snuggle up in her fur and take a pup nap. One thing she does not enjoy is when I use the at-home Doppler to listen to Claire...Shelby thinks that's a weird sound and leaves the bed.

I had a 20 week check up yesterday and everything was great! I was so happy that they put my in the ultra-sound room because it was just supposed to be a heartbeat check and whatnot, which I do at home anyways, so that's BORESVILLE! Lucky for me...she's still a girl!

He took some measurements and plugged it into the old computer and the Due Date said Dec 7th. We've been going by Dec. 11th, so it's right on track. It's be nice to come a week or few days earlier, I wouldn't mind!

^^ that's a picture we got of her yawing! It's so funny looking! I love it! I was so sad Josh wasn't there to see her in action since we thought it was just a check up. Here are some stats so far...

Weeks: 20

Weight: +6

Cravings: Changes daily, right now it's cheese (not a shocker) and grapes, and fruit snacks. I NEVER eat fried shrimp and I had to have that in the Bahamas. Cold food mostly

Aversions: Meat and meat smells, especially red meat. Soup sounds gross to me right now too. Hot food....bleh.

Quickening: As of 19/20 weeks I have really felt her move, she is extremely low too, it's really in the pelvic area where she kicks and squirms. She likes Zac Brown Band and "dances" around when I play that Pandora station. She's not so strong to where I can't sleep or Josh can feel, but anytime I'm still I can usually feel her wiggle.

Planning: We are going to book our Labor Class/Hospital Tour soon and also the Breastfeeding class. Both are at Texas Women's hospital, so that's exciting! We also are thinking about hiring a part time nanny for when I return to work, so if you have any leads, we're looking!

Showers: My aunt is throwing a San Antonio on on October 15th and my friends are planning the Houston on for October 23rd! I'm registering at so hopefully peeps be high tech!


Kelly Jean said...

Haha.. I hope peeps be high-tech for you too! <3 Love you funny preggo.

The Thoes said...

Texas Women's is awesome. I had both boys there and I love it. I hope you have a fabulous labor experience.