Friday, July 6, 2012

Red , White and Baby!

The 4th of July was funny because it was in middle of the week, but I love it like that!  I got to have Josh home on a Wednesday and it broke the week up, yay!

We had a fun little pool day at my friend Karen's.  She lives in a highrise downtown, so the pool is on top of the building, and you're surrounded by the skyscrapers, very cool view.

Reading is reading!  And it says "Baby Time" on the cover.
She really does like Mel
After pool we came home to cook out and snap some festive photos!

 I swear she's getting thinner just from all the walking and rolling she's been doing lately.  Those arm rolls are getting smaller...noooo!!  But to make up for it, her hair is getting bigger.

 Her 7 month photo shoot was harder than all the others, she would NOT smile big.  Usually I can get her to do it, but man she's making me work hard these days.  She's a little person now.

I will chunk this in your face!

   There's your smile, hehe, that's all u get.

Claire is eating all sorts of things, rolling, rocking on all fours, even kicking in the pool (fake swimming).  I think in a month or so she may be crawling, how crazy!!

She has no teeth yet and is an estimated 21.5lbs.  There's no check up til 9 months, so I guess we'll be surprised then by her height!

I really may have to consider a haircut soon LOL no lie!  It's all crazy and I love it.  I'll probably just scrunch it with water, it's SO LONG now, all the babies want to pull it.

It's been a great week and I'm looking forward to more fun things this weekend!